时间:2021-11-17 浏览量:0 次字号:AAA
标的物 Subject matter
招标通告 call for bid
招标通知 tender notice
招标文件 bid document.
招标条件 general conditions of tender
招标截止日期 date of the closing of tender
招标方 tenderer
投标 submission of tenders
投标方,投标商tenderer, bidder
投标邀请书 Invitation to Bid
投标押金,押标金 Bid Bond
投标文件 tender document.
做标,编标 work out tender document.
Form of Tender
投标评估 evaluation of bids
be wi11ing/unwilling toparticipate in the bid
We wish to tender fro…
We agree to abide by the conditions of Tenderspecified above.
资格预审 prequalification
询价 inquiry
询价请求,询价单 Requisition for Inquiry
报价 quotation
报价表格 Form of Quotation
提交报价 submission of quotation
升价,提价 escalation
Aninadequate(e.g.by telephone) or unresponsivequotation may be reason for rejecting the quotation
标底 base price limit on bids
报标 bid quotation
评标 evaluation of tender
议标 tender discussion
决标 tender decision
开标 bid opening
中标 has/have won the bidding in …
the winning/successful bidder, the successfultenderer
未中标者 the unsuccessful tenderer
中标函 Letter of Acceptance
招标人 Tenderee
投标人 Tenderer
招标 IFB (Invitation for bid); public bidding;
履约保函 Performance security
投标保函 Bid security
标的物 Subject matter
招标通告 Tender Announcement
投标邀请书 Invitation to Bid
招标通知 Tender notice
招标文件 Bid document
招标条件 General conditions of Tender
招标截止日期 Closing date for the Tender; deadline for theTender Submission;
投标 submission of the Tender; to submit the Tender
投标方,投标商 the Tenderer, the Bidder
投标押金,押标金 Bid Bond
投标文件 tender document.
做标,编标 Develop or prepare the Tender Documents.
the Form of Tender
投标评估 uation of Bids
be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid
我们拟参加……的投标。We wish to tenderfor…
We agree to abide by or subject to the conditions of Tender set forthhereinabove.
资格预审 prequalification
询价 inquiry
询价请求,询价单 Request or Requisition for Inquiry
报价 quotation
报价表格 Form of Quotation
提交报价 submission of quotation
升价,提价 Price increase or increase in price
An improper (e.g. by telephone) or irresponsible quotation may be rejected.
标底 base price of the Tender
报标 bid quotation
评标 uation of Tender
议标 Tenders discussion or discussion on the Tenders
决标 tender decision or decide the successful Tenderer
开标 bid opening
中标 win a Tender or the successful Bidder …
the Winning/Successful Bidder, the SuccessfulTenderer
未中标者 the unsuccessful tenderer
中标函 Letter of Acceptance
商务 the Business Tender,
技术标书 the Technical Tender,
Pre-qualification documents投标资格预审文件;
Pre-bid meeting:标前会,是招标人在投标人提交投标书以前组织投标人参加的项目介绍调研会议,旨在向投标人交待清楚诸如工程范围、技术经济要求等内容,澄清招标文件中可能存在的疑义,解答投标人提出的与招投标有关的问题。有时标前会与现场考察活动同时进行。国内有些出版物将之译为“预标会”属措词不当,容易产生误导,使人理解为在正式投标前预先模拟投标,类似于体育中的预赛。
Bidding Documents:应译为“招标文件”,是由买方(项目业主或其招标代理)发售给投标人的,包含采购内容和技术商务条件等内容的一套资料,必须与“投标文件”(常说的“标书”)明确区分开来。国内出版物常有将之误译成“标书”者。而汉语中的“标书”实为投标人提交的对招标文件作出实质性反应的投标资料。
International Competitive Bidding:“国际竞争性投标”
Invitation For Bids:“投标邀请函”,不宜译为“招标邀请公告”或“招标通告”
Force Account:自营工程,是指借款人因项目要求,先自行完成经批准的土木工程,然后再由贷款银行对该工程费用进行归垫。一般辞书很少出现。
Negotiating Bids:尽管国内出版物常将其译为“议标”,实质上不属于招投标范畴,因为此种采购不具备招投标活动的最基本特征。应按实定名,改译为“谈判采购”。我国招投标法中就将此种“议标”排除在招投标范围之外。
Joint Venture:并非常说的“合资企业”,而应该指多个投标人为了满足相应资格要求而暂时结成联营体,作为单一投标人参加投标和履行合同,合同履行完毕即解散,这种联合仅是暂时的,多个投标人所拥有的资产也不合并。因此译作“联营体”更为合适。
Name of the company leading the Joint Venture 联营体牵头公司名称
上一页: 国际公开招标的程序是怎样的?